Interview Question On Manual / Automation Tester


    Want to become Manual /Automation Tester

    Why testing is so important?

    When developer build an application by using respective language then at this stage testing plays an important role for solving technical & nontechnical issue. If we release the application without testing then it will get directly impacted on business.

   What is mean by software project?

    Software related issue solve by software engineer through software development     process called as SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle ).

    Which are the types of SDLC process?

      1) LCD --- Life Cycle Development

      2)  LCT  --- Life Cycle Testing
     What is BRS?
        BRS is design by business analyst this document defines requirement of customer to be develop as software. This document acts as bridge between customer language & technical terminology.

    What is SRS?

        It defines functional requirement to develop & system requirement to use .It describe with respective to BRS.

    SRS document consist of?
        1) Snapshot
        2) Usecase
        3) Work flow mechanism
        4) Upstream & Downstream
        5) HLD
        6) LLD

    What is mean by HLD?

        It is known as High Level Design or external design. It is design by solution engineer or project architect. HLD defines hierarchy of all possibility functionality to be develop as module.

    What is mean by LLD?

        It is known as Low Level Design or internal design. It is develop by development people define static logic of every module.

    What is code design?

        After completion of design & their review developer writes a program to physical constructed as software by using languages such as Java, .Net, C++ , etc.

    What is code design review?

        It is done by developer, after completion of code design  developer starts WBT (White Box Testing ) to check completeness & correctness of the code. It is coding manner testing technique is done by devend  to ensure code logic works fine.

    What is BBT (Black Box Testing)?

        It is build level testing technique. During this test tester validate functionality of application or system . Tester will check internal functionality depends on external interface.

